Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm BACK (and happy new year!)

Woo! I think I'm back! Maybe. Hopefully.

Since October, I've basically been computerless. I was using Mom's at her house, and sometimes I would start a post, and invariably my darling daughter would pick THAT MINUTE to wake up. I own a laptop, and RIGHT when we moved into our house back in May, the blahblablah on the monitor went out, so to be able to see what I'm surfing, typing, etc., I have to have it hooked to an external monitor. Which means it has to be stationary. I had it in the living room from about August until October, which worked GREAT... But then Keevs birthday party came around and I went crazy organizing and cleaning and put it back in the Kitchen/Dining room so that I could have more room in my living room... then Christmas happened...

Anyway. We bought an upright freezer and it had to have SOMEWHERE to go, and that somewhere just happened to be where my computer was. So now my computer is on the awkward wall-space between my kitchen and my living room.

Really, I need to post pictures of my house. It has a weird layout!

Anyway. I'm back. And I pray I'm able to write more. I really miss it. I feel like I'm missing K's moments! I WISH I had blogged more about her first year.

Oh, and by the way. Happy New Year!

Are you making any resolutions? I'm not one to make them normally, but this year I am. I'm making 3.

1. Exercise more.
2. Make the choice to ENJOY time with my daughter.
3. Write more.

Let me explain. No, it will take to long. Let me sum up. (Movie line! Anyone? Anyone?)

1. I'm not going to commit to losing weight. I'm going to commit to exercising more. Yes, I need to lose weight. More than I've needed to lose weight ever before (I'm at my heaviest ever right now). But I want to concentrate on exercising. On getting in shape, and the weight will come.

2. Keevia is a pleasure 95% of the time... but sometimes she drives me crazy. Her sleep habits, which most would celebrate over, get on my nerves occasionally. She's teething, so sometimes her moods aren't the best, and she's a very, very active toddler. I'm striving to CHOOSE to enjoy every moment I have with her, even the not so fun ones.

3. I think it's simple. I need to write more. I need to be a more disciplined blogger, and I need to begin writing some fiction. It needs to come out some way so it'll stop keeping me up at night.

What are your resolutions?

Monday, December 13, 2010

I don't have time to blog much...

Because I'm chasing a baby! About two weeks ago, she just randomly turned loose and took off. And she hasn't stopped since. I get a little break when she naps, but its a VERY small break.

Plus, I'm working my socks off in my Moms quilt shop. We have 21 quilts to get done by Christmas. Twenty. One. I did two yesterday by myself... and I'm getting ready to head to the shop soon.

Keevia had her first round of antibiotics. She caught a cold over Thanksgiving and it morphed into a sinus infection. She recovered quickly though! She has two lower teeth now, and is working on her upper front teeth. It's so funny to see posts on Facebook and blog posts about babies her age and younger getting their molars when we're working on our 3rd and 4th teeth!

I've been reading a lot lately... I re-read the first 14 books of Janet Evanovichs "Stephanie Plum" series and then read for the first time the 15th and 16th. I'm currently reading "The Historian", which is a pretty good fiction book! Keep your eyes peeled for a review.

We're all doing well. I have so much I want to write about... but it seems everytime I sit down with a computer, Keevs wakes up from her nap. And my laptop is still broken, so it's difficult to blog at home. I desperately need to pull my laptop back in the living room... but its already so packed with the tree and such...

On a negative note... WHY do we have 6+ inches of snow, AND COUNTING? My Dad started to work and turned around, and my Hubby made it, but now I'm worried about him getting stuff... ugh. Here's to praying that this is over soon!

PLUS: We ordered Keevia's Christmas Present. Fisher-Prices kitchen, available ONLY at Toys R Us. Mom ordered it and caught it on sale. She tried to save some money on shipping and had it sent to the store. Did you know you have THREE DAYS to pick it up? We live an hour and a half away from the nearest store. And there are 6 inches of snow. There is NO way we'll make it to Lexington tomorrow. I know K is still little, but I want her to have a good Christmas, and it drives me crazy that stuff isn't working out. I don't even have her anything to wrap (Mom does, but I don't), and it just makes me feel like a bad Mommy. :(

Alright, off to work. The Beco Butterfly is literally my best friend. Keevs goes down for a nap in it just about every day! I desperately need to get another one (with a detachable infant insert!).