Wednesday, April 25, 2012

We're still alive!!

Hey everyone!

We're still alive! I swear!

Abbi is 8 weeks old as of yesterday. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? She's doing fantastically. Still a super easy baby. She's in 3-6 month sleepers already! Growing like a WEED.

Keevs is in the middle of her 2 year molars. She has two through and two to go. I am SO READY for them to be through! In the midst of this, however, she has started going to bed SO EASILY!

I have a ton of posts in my head, but hardly any time to sit down and write. I'd love to blog about our breastfeeding journey thus far as its been...challenging to say the least. But we're still doing it! I also need to talk about my COMPLETE baby carrier stash churn and how I've gone from Soft Structured Carriers to wraps and ring slings! I also want to talk about my wheat-free lifestyle and how its lead to weightloss, and helping my PCOS. Plus I need to spit out a 2.5 year post for Keevia and a 2 month post for Abrielle!

To tide you over, for your viewing pleasure...