How far along? 16 Weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Down 5 pounds from Pre-pregnancy...
Maternity clothes? Living in maternity pants... not so much the shirts.
Stretch marks? No more than I had in high school....
Sleep: I'm not sleeping badly... but not well either.
Best moment this week: Most certainly felt flutters on Friday and Sunday!
Movement: Yes! Finally!
Food cravings: Orange Juice.
Gender: Not a clue. HB was 152 at doctors appoint though!
Labor Signs: Thankfully, no!
Belly Button in or out? In
What I miss: I puked once this week... but hey, thats a step up!
What I am looking forward to: Feeling harder kicks!
Weekly Wisdom: If you're not happy with your doctor..SWITCH!
Milestones: Feeling the baby definitely move!
nice information.maternity and pregnancy is a very special period in life of every woman.and they want to look attractive at this special stage also and maternity clothing are good option.