Wednesday, July 1, 2009

My dinner, in courses

So, tonight for dinner... I ate in courses.

This wasn't a conscious decision, it was merely out of hunger. While my Mom was still cooking, I was starving, so for my first course, I had baby carrots and ranch dressing.

For my second course? Macaroni with fresh tomatoes, basil and garlic.

My third course, a pork chop and yeast roll.

My fourth course, corn on the cob.

My fifth course, the dessert course, fresh strawberries and chocolate pudding.

Ah, it was good.

Now, if I just FELT better, it would be more rewarding. I have a sinus infection/allergyness that is driving me up a wall. Constant headache, low grade fever, dry sinuses, sore throat, achy muscles, itchy/burning eyes... Oh, and this fun cough that's making my abs hurt and my back hurt worse.

Pregnancy is going really well though! I don't have many symptoms right now, except for mood swings. We're having some issues, that I can't really write about here for another few weeks, but its pretty stressful. Because of that, I have cried like 7 times in the past 2 days. Enough to slowly drive me crazy.

Pray for my sanity (haha!) and pray for a job that we applied for for Carl with UPS. If he managed to get it, it would be the biggest Godsend ever. It sounds perfect (at least on paper!).

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