Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Husband

I didn't talk a lot about my husband in the birth story, because I had plans on talking about him more today.

Today is my husbands 23rd birthday. He's exactly 10 months older than me.

So, in this post, I just have to talk about how much he means to me.

We've had an incredibly rocky relationship until about 2 years ago (Woah! That either seems like its been a lot longer than that, or like its gone by super, super fast.) when we finally settled down and got serious.

We've not had an easy marriage. We got pregnant in October, lost the baby in November. We've moved twice. We've lost jobs, been without paychecks. But we're stronger now than we've ever been.

I would NOT have made it through natural child-birth without him. Period. Exclamation point. Everyone keeps calling me their hero for going all natural, but Carl is my hero for all he did for me.

He breathed for me. When the pain was so intense that I couldn't breath and would either stop breathing or start hyperventilating, he would shake me out of it and make me breath with him.

He was there, doing whatever I needed done... sometimes even when I didn't know what it was. He was my advocate, and my provider.

He held me during contractions, and I slept on him inbetween. He let me cry on him when I felt like it was too much. He believed in me, and was able to show that by his gentle back-rubs, or his kisses, or just his voice.

He sat behind me as I pushed, on the bed with me, even though the blood and guts grossed him out I'm sure. He told the midwife to get her ass in the delivery room when I felt like I needed to push. He went without sleep for 2+ days.

He was, and is my hero. He provides for Keevia and I, and right now he does that by driving an hour and a half every day, just so he can come home to us each night.

So today, on his birthday, I offer up this post of thanks, and of praise, to my wonderful husband. I love you baby, I'm sorry we have to have a low-key birthday this year.

Happy Birthday Carl!

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