Saturday, February 20, 2010

I know where my Christmas Money is going...

Right here. Isn't it gorgeous? I soooo want an Ergo. I tried one on in Lexington today and I fell in LOVE. It was beautiful. It was comfortable. It was soft. Keevia LOVED it and it was sooooo easy to put on and take off. I literally adjusted it with one hand while she was in it. Everyone talks about how they aren't pretty, but I think the Galaxy one is adorable! Plus, with the waist extender, Carl can wear it easy-peasy! I'm a size 18ish (but mainly cuz of my hips) and it fit me snugly. I'm SO excited. I'm going to quilt (I work with my Mother in her quilt shop) this week so that I can buy one with my Christmas money.

Also, a major bummer happened today. My sweet sister in law (whom I hate because she ordered herself an Ergo) bought me a pajama set from Motherhood Maternity for Christmas. Due to Keevia getting sick on Christmas day and our rush back to Jackson, we lost the receipt. It was impossible for us to exchange the pajama set because we didn't have a receipt. It was insane. All I wanted to do was exchange it for a nursing shirt, for ease when we're out and about, and nope, couldn't do it. At first I was bummed because I already had some pj shirts that were like the one on this outfit... but then I realized, hey, I'm going to be having another baby in the not-to-far future (2+ years). I'm going to need a cute outfit to sit in the hospital and nurse in, right? Haha. I think it'll work nicely. But still, the return policy at Motherhood sucks, so beware!

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