Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I know I'm MIA.

I really don't want to be.

My daughter hasn't been sleeping well... although, after a chiropractic adjustment, she is today!!! She had been waking an hour after going down for the night, and then staying awake for 2-3 hours. We've also had some stress with my Dad getting sick, but he's getting better, and we at least know its not serious!

Also, two of my uncles have had surgeries in the last two weeks, and my Mom has taken both of them to Lexington for the operations... leaving me at home, alone, with the wee babe... trying to do laundry, dishes, and deal with the workmen.

Oh, what's that? What workmen?

I'll tell you.

The main reason I've not been blogging though?


Carl and I purchased a double-wide house on April 19th, it was set last Friday, and this week they've been doing various other things. They installed the septic system today, as well as finishing fixing the drywall/sheetrock (are they the same things?), framed the doors, and repainted all the places the sheetrock had cracked.

We are SO freaking close... yet we're still so far away. It's driving us crazy. It's literally like 25 feet away from us... and we can't be IN it. Yet.

Hopefully the water and such will be hooked up tomorrow, the siding will be finished...then we're just waiting on electric and for them to put on the underpinning. It's coming along! As soon as they get everything out of our bedroom (which has been the central location for all the supplies), I'm going to paint it, and then start moving stuff in.

It has been a total God thing right from the start. The price was one we could afford for a HECK of a house. It's 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, full dry wall, nice kitchen, working wood fireplace... it's everything we wanted!

On top of that, today I got offered all the brick we would need for temporary steps. That saves us, oh, about $60.

Also, while we were shopping for baby food and cereal yesterday, I managed to get 3 gallons of paint. I paid $5 for the paint to paint my bedroom, $7 for the paint to paint my kitchen/dining room (under the chair rail) and $9 for a accent wall in Keevia's room. I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY.

I promise, daily blogs will be soon.



  1. Your house sounds wonderful. I'm sooo jealous. I mean, TWO BATHROOMS. With six of us in an apartment, a second bathroom would be heaven sent.
    I hope everyone gets better real soon.

  2. I wish I had my own place. Your so excited it kind of rubs off. Xay hasn't be napping at all hardly like maybe 15 minutes here and there but he goes down around 10:30pm and sleeps til 8am if I am lucky give or take.


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