Monday, March 7, 2011

"Voices of the Faithful" Book Review and GIVEAWAY!

A few months ago, I signed up on BookSneeze, and received my first book. I'll be honest, I picked this book because it had an author I was familiar with!

"Voices of the Faithful" is a daily devotion book, written by various authors. Beth Moore wrote the introduction and lent her name to the book. I've always had a heart for missions, and this definitely speaks to my heart!

Each day is written by a different author. They are small little stories written by real-life missionaries, showing the trials and tribulations of their life's work. It also shows the joy, the hope, the faith in God that gets them through.

I'll be honest, I didn't read the entire book. I did jump around a bit to get a feel for the whole book. Overall, I really enjoyed it. Each chapter of the book (each month) is a different theme. I really liked this, because if I was feeling persecuted, I could jump to June. If I needed to delve into God's Word a little, I could just to February. I loved that organizational touch! At the end of December there is a little bio of Beth Moore and information about Living Proof Ministries. It then delves in a little more into the mission field and gives information about how to pray, as well as if you're considering the mission field.

Each devotion is set up with a verse at the beginning, then the devotional part (the story), then a prayer at the end.

Personally, I longed for a longer devotion. I know that's not always feasible in a year-long daily devotional, but some entry's still seemed too short to me. It felt like I would just delve into a story and then be uprooted. Also, I'm not big on guided prayers, and they all seemed a little corny for me. However, I realize I probably need more corny in my life!

I would recommend this to anyone who has a heart for missions, or a heart for prayer (shouldn't we all?). Perhaps someone who wants a deeper level devotional should look elsewhere, but for someone who is looking for a 5 minute quick devotional... this is perfect! I would recommend it to all of my new Christian friends!


And now.... who wants to WIN this book?

Great! It's super-duper simple. Are you ready?

1. Leave your name & email address! That's it! (Mandatory)

Additional entries:
2. Like "The Divas Mom Blog" on Facebook, then, suggest us to your friends. Anyone who likes the page and gives YOUR name will give YOU an extra entry!
3. Become a GFC follower!

Please leave a SEPARATE comment with each entry!

Giveaway will END on March  11th at 11:59 PM! I'll draw a winner then!

DISCLAIMER: I was given this book for free to review. I have given my honest thoughts about the book, and have received no other compensation because of my review.


  1. Carol Swails
    magnoliamaybe AT gmail DOT com

  2. I follow via GFC
    magnoliamaybe AT gmail DOT com

  3. I liked you on facebook!
    Carol Church Swails
    magnoliamaybe AT gmail Dot com

  4. Kendra Fisher

  5. angie
    i follow

  6. Beth
    Fb fan

  7. Sherrie Cruson

  8. OH pick me! Marvi Marti

  9. would love to win this.

    samantha (at) yeldarb (dot) com


I'd love to hear your questions or comments! Please, please, PLEASE make sure your email is listed in your profile, to PLEASE provide it here so I can respond to you! If you prefer, email me at divasmomblog @ gmail dot com!