Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Abrielle at 5 months!

Oh Abbi.... how are you so big?

You're five months old!
- You wear size 2 diapers.
- You wear strictly 6-9 month clothes, with some 12 month sleepers and outfits
- You wear a size 1 shoe, on that very narrow foot of yours!
- You're VERY close to sitting on your own!
- You sleep 80% of the night with Mommy and Daddy still. We start you in your crib, but you really only stay there about an hour.
- You take 3-4 naps a day.
- You nurse every hour to every hour and a half.
- You are JUST now starting to look interested when we eat around you.
- You LOVE chewing on Sophie the Giraffe, and playing with your Lamaze giraffe we bought.
- You are entranced by your sister. You simply adore her!
- Your shirt/onesie is constantly soaked to your belly button in slobber. You are the droolingest baby!
- You are still toothless, and I have a feeling that you'll follow your sisters foot steps!
- You like staying up late with Mommy.
- You really just like Mommy in general.
- You squeal and carry on constantly.
- You still make ADORABLE grunting noises when you want to nurse.
- You smile with your WHOLE body. You get excited all over.
- Abrielle, you aren't the best sleeper in the world. You nap pretty fantastic, but when it comes to bed time, you sleep very lightly and nurse 50 times during the night.

You are beautiful, perfect, and the snuggliest baby around. We wouldn't be complete without you. You're growing SO fast, yet I can't wait to see how different you are from your sister as you get older. Love you Abbi Jean.

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