Thursday, February 12, 2009


I got so excited yesterday! I entered in the numbers to and it popped up that I had ovulated on Sunday! Woohoo! Ovulation on day 14! Something that DOES NOT happen in this body (I usually run a 34 day cycle) and then I entered in todays temp, and it went, not in these exact words persay, "Oh, just kidding." and took away my pretty cross hairs. It said I MAY have ovulated but it wasn't sure.

*le sigh*

So, I continue to chart my temps. I just want to know that everything in that area is working...that's my main objective.

I finished my assignments, did my presentation and then kind of chilled out this afternoon. I played some xbox 360 for a little while (Lego Indiana Jones if you must know) then settled down to do some cleaning. After a bleaching, my sheets STILL weren't clean (just wait, you find out why on Monday) so I oxycleaned them and shouted them (thanks Steph! I still have that Shout you gave us!) and Viola! Stain free sheets!

Normally I wouldn't care, but these babies are my 1,000 thread count ones. They're whatever brand Target sells, and I got them for the whopping cost of 6 dollars. I love Grandview Outlet stores!

I also vacuumed (finally), swept and mopped the kitchen floor, and did dishes, did laundry, and cooked dinner. Our bedroom is still as disaster area, but that can be done tomorrow or Sunday.

Why aren't I doing it tonight? So glad you asked. There is a two hour, crossover special of Grey's Anatomy and you better bet I'm going to watch it!

More on my brand new dresser!

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