Saturday, January 30, 2010

Keevia, Three months

Dear Keevia,

Today you are three months old. You are one fourth of a year old. Do you realize how writing that makes your Momma's heart break?

You are in size one diapers still, but firmly in 3-6 month clothing, and can wear 6-9 month sleepers without them being obscenely big. You have excellent head control (for someone with the head of a 5 month old!), and LOVE sitting up. In fact, if you're awake, you're sitting against Momma's chest because you will not sit any other way.

You still love your bouncy seat, and being worn, but have a love/hate relationship with the swing. Some days its your BFF, some days its your worst enemy.

You are the droolingest baby I ever did see, and two days ago I ordered you Sophie The Giraffe in hopes that you might gnaw on her instead of Momma's hand, although I really don't mind.

You smile, coo, laugh and squeal, and know exactly how to make your Momma's heart soar. I know I tell you this everyday, but you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.

When I look at you, and I imagine the Barbies we will play with, the cookies we will bake, the books we will read, my heart does a happy dance, because even through all the stress of finances and moving, I really am the happiest I have ever been in my life. I love your Daddy very much, and I am very, very happy to have started a family with him. I am exactly where I always dreamt of being, married with a baby of my own, and you really are the most perfect baby in the world.

Even when you scream from colic and I can't seem to comfort you, even when you wake up at 5 am for a week straight and decide you are wide awake, even when you leave Mommy the grossest of presents in your diaper... I could never regret having you, or never be unhappy. You are the light of my world, and the love in my heart.

I can't wait to watch you grow up and be the Princess I know you will be. I can't wait to watch you strutting around the kitchen in a tutu, a camo shirt and cowboy boots. I can't wait to help you catch your first night crawler, to let you pet your first kitten, to take you sledding for the first time... but all that will have to wait, because right now I am perfectly content snuggling in bed with you, and nursing you to sleep. You are so small and so precious right now, and I never, ever want to forget how much I loved your babyhood.

You're my world baby girl, and I love you.


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