Wednesday, January 20, 2010

"The Undomestic Goddess" - Book Review

"The Undomestic Goddess" by Sophie Kinsella

Okay... so this book has cussing and some pre-marital sex... but other than that, it's awesome.

I love me some British Chick Lit books, and this my friends, is no exception to the rule. Sophie Kinsella also happens to be one of my favorite authors (probably known most notably for her Shopaholic Series). Her humor is well, hilarious. Her characters can be shallow, but only because she writes them that way. The plot lines are sometimes unbelievable, but they are undeniably full of hilarity at every turn. Yet, she can also be sentimental and usually hits big issues on the head under the guise of humor.

In this book, she focuses on believing in yourself and following your heart. Samantha Sweeting is a lawyer up for partnership at the most prestigious law firm in London. All of a sudden, on the day her partnership is announced (as the youngest partner in history!), she discovers she has made a fifty million pound mistake and runs from her mistake (and her life).

Samantha, the daughter of a workaholic mother and motivated family, who couldn't sew a button on her own shirt, suddenly finds herself in the role of a housekeeper. The major story is how she finds herself, and finds out how empowering knowing how to cook and do laundry can be.

It's absolutely hilarious (did I mention that?) as she tries to learn to cook (by putting garbanzo beans in the oven and burning them), clean (and ends up bleaching a strip of her hair when the spray bottle won't spray), and fall in love.

I love it, and recommend it. The F word is used quite a bit, but if you can overlook that, then read on!

Up next: Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani. Well, at least on my reading list...we'll see if I actually get around to writing a review of it!

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