For a Keevia update however...
She is now 2 months old. HOLY... How did that happen? I was pregnant for a year.. a YEAR (this isn't counting the 8 weeks between miscarriage and conception), and yet it doesn't seem possible that I have a 2 month old baby. It blows my mind every time I think about it.
(Update on my camera... I have 1097 pictures. 95% of those are of my daughter. Woah.)
But she is. She's 2 months old. She'll be 10 weeks tomorrow.
How is she doing? Well...
- As of last Monday, at her 2 month checkup, she weighed 10 lbs and 9 ounces (up a pound from her 1 one month!), was 23 1/2 inches long, and her head circumference was like 47 something centimeters. In other words, she was the average weight of a 2 month old, length of a 3 month old (I'm 5'11, Carl's 6'3), and her head was the size of a 5 month old. (I pushed that head out sans drugs and with only 2 lacerations thankyouverymuch).
- She has colic. Bad. From about 2pm until about 9-10 pm she is rarely happy. Today though, after dosing her with mylicon, tylenol and gripe water, I pulled out the miracle blanket and viola! She was quiet for several hours!! She also pooped without me knowing it (BIG accomplishment!) and unfortunately sat in it longer than usual, no rash or anything, but I felt like a bad mom.
- She had her first sickness. On Christmas day around 6pm she started throwing up. Her aunt, cousin and grandma had all had it (we were at my husbands parents house) and although we were careful, she still caught it. She threw up very suddenly, and it was super thick stuff (thankfully I was in the bathroom and Grama was holding her. I'm pretty sure I would have FREAKED OUT had I saw it). Grama quickly flipped her over on her belly, and then Aunt Stephanie grabbed her and after some quick Mommy moves had her air-way cleared (Steph has 3 boys). We used the nasal aspirator thingy and got all the rest of the gunk out of her lungs. She couldn't hold down liquids however (except a LITTLE bit of some homemade pedialyte. I stayed in conference with my Mom (a registered nurse) and around midnight we packed up(okay, we grabbed random things that looked important. We left a TON of stuff there and had to go get it a few days later) and headed to my Mom's house. Carl's parents live 30-45 minutes from the closest hospital, and my parents live 10. We also drove past 2 hospitals on the way home. Around 1 (and halfway through our trip) I started throwing up. We got home about 2, I handed Keevia to my mom and collapsed in the chair beside her. I was useless. Mom took care of her the rest of that night, all the next day, and pulled her co-sleeper in her bedroom the night after that. FINALLY, Sunday morning when she brought her to me to nurse, I felt like taking care of her. The puking part only lasted EXACTLY 12 hours for all of us, but the feel-like-you've-been-ran-over part lasted about 3 more days. And the headache, oy vey the headache... Anyway, it was a good thing I felt better because Mom came down with it about 20 minutes after she brought me the baby. It was nasty.
- She's smiling and cooing a ton now (you know, when she's not screaming from colic). I got a video of her today talking to her Daddy, so when I have the cord to THAT camera, I'll upload it. It may bore you to tears, but oh well :)
- She rolled off the bed on January 1st and gave me a HEART ATTACK. I have never been so scared in my entire life. I laid her down perpendicular to the edge of the bed, and then went in the hallway to get my coat (we were getting ready to leave for our 3rd Christmas, my grandparents), when I turned to glance at her, I saw her falling. I tried to get to her, but couldn't make it. I still have NO clue how she fell. She managed to land on her back, not her head, and other than being scared and sore she was fine. Mom checked her out super well, and we watched her carefully.
- That being said, I want to get her in to see her chiropractor (and mine!) as soon as possible to make sure everything is aligned. That helps with the colic and the gas as well, but our chiropractor has been out of town for Christmas. She comes back on Friday, but we won't be able to get her in until after Sunday because Keevia's Aunt Kat (one of my best friends) is driving up from Georgia to meet her!! I'm super excited!
(I got the first 196 pictures off my camera, but so far no luck with the others, grrr..)
- This girl LOVES her pacifier. She is a huge, HUGE fan. I use MAM paci's with her, mainly because she wouldn't take the NUK's and the soothies freak me out. I almost always offer her the breast first, but sometimes she just wants her paci.
-She's currently on a nursing strike. I think it has to do with the colic, because she only does it during the hours she's screaming. You can FEEL the gas in her belly if you put your hand on her tummy. Anyway, with the nursing strike she shows all the hunger cues: rooting, chewing on her hand, whimpering... yet when I put her to the breast, she'll suck once or twice and then SCREAM BLOODY MURDER. She does this on both sides. SOMETIMES you can give her mylicon drops or gripe water or a
- She's wearing size 1 diapers and will probably be in them for quiet some time! The tabs still overlap in the middle. I use mainly Huggies Snug N Dry's, but I have been using Pamper's Swaddlers Sensitive. She cannot tolerate regular Pamper's Swaddlers if you use more than 2 in a row (her entire diaper area gets bright red). At night, or when traveling a long distance, we use Huggies Pure and Natural (or whatever they're called). I would LOVE to cloth diaper, and have patterns to make my own, but haven't had the time/energy to make any.
- She absolutely, positively LOVES being worn. My mom made me a Mei Tai carrier (it took 3 attempts, but this one is perfection!) and I wear her whenever we go out anywhere. She loves it! Generally she falls asleep instantly. I also wear her at home if she's super fussy and nothing else helps.
- She loves music. My momma got her a Fischer Price Soothe and Glow Seahorse and she really will soothe herself back to sleep with it occasionally. We are BFFs. She'll also calm in the car when you turn the radio on (at least until the announcer starts talking, then she screams again).
-She travels well when she's full and not colicky. Otherwise...well, lets just say, you KNOW if she's colicky or hungry! :)
- She wears 3-6 month pants and sleepers, but still wears 0-3 month onesies (well, some of them). She's just SO LONG. She has tons of fabric around the waist, they're just never long enough for her!
- For Christmas she got a ton of developmental toys from my Mom, some pants or when she's older, a few new outfits (not that she needed them, remind me to take a picture of her clothes stash...), 2 Hallmark ornaments, a baby Belle from her Aunt Hebbie (FROM DISNEYWORLD!), a Finding Nemo onesie (that has the seagulls, and says "Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine!"), a $50 gift certificate to Toys R'Us, 2 Fancy Nancy books (which if you haven't read any of them, GO NOW AND READ THEM), a Fancy Nancy doll, a shampoo head thingy, a Lambie blanket, a pink corderoy dress and polka dot sweater, and the cream of the crop... A Red Rider Pink BB gun. (This was not to brag about what she got, but more of a memory list for me and her in the future, I plan on adding pages from this blog into her baby book!).
She really is all I could have ever asked, or dreamed for. She's a wonderful baby with an amazing personality. I cannot wait to watch her grow and learn, as much as it pains me when I realize she's growing up. She's absolutely beautiful (although I know we're biased!) and she's my reason for living. I thank God every day for her and I don't take a single second of her for granted.
And now, I cannot leave you with any NEW pictures of Keevia, but I will leave you with some from her first week.
Just a cute one.
I swear to you, she is the MOST expressive child I have EVER seen.
I wore this outfit as a babe!
Have a great night (morning!)!
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