Tuesday, January 12, 2010

McFatty Monday... week 2!!!

Well.. okay, according to my scale at my apartment as of Saturday night.. I was down 8 lbs from my mid-December weight. As of my Mom's scale, I was down 2 lbs. I'm going to weigh in the morning to get the most accurate reading and stick with it. I've felt majorly water logged today, so we'll see how I do in the morning.

I joined a weight-loss group on Facebook as well.. its all about accountability partners and weight-loss tips and tricks.

I have had a colicky child that I could not sit down for the past week. No, seriously. At all. I had to wait for Carl to get back from work to eat or pee. It was BAD. But, after a chiropractic visit, she is doing much better. I'm crossing my fingers that I get to crack open the cellophane on Jillian Michael's The Shred next week!

My goals for this week:

No eating after 8:30 PM
Up my water intake
Begin taking more vitamin D (after I read a study that most PCOS women who have the metabolic problems have a severe deficincy in vitamin D)
Continue cutting out french fries, sweets and coke
Try and walk as much as possible (even if its just laps in the house/apartment)
Start doing crunches

We shall see.. I'll update the weight in the morning!

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