Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Let's recap

with a bullet post.

- I am a zombie right now. If spelling/grammar is bad, you have been warned.
- We took Keevie to her first opera on Saturday! Yes, I know I'm bat-**** crazy for taking a 5 1/2 month old to an opera, but she did really well! My sister was singing as 1st Lady in Mozart's "The Magic Flute", so we had to go! Keev only screamed once (and let me tell you, it was a GOOD scream), so we ran downstairs and met a very drunk, very gay, very tall man who made faces at the baby (and got her to stop crying!) and was VERY loud.
- Keevie is officially over puree's. She still eats them, but would much rather we just give her little bites of food. She's getting WAY to big WAY to quickly.
- She has a cold. No real fever, just a very stuffy nose, and a cough. She's not sleeping, like, at all at neither am I.
- I'm a HORRIBLE mother. I set her in her bouncy, at 3 am when she's wide awake, and turn on a kids show, and TRY to go back to sleep.
- She rolled over again yesterday! Then wouldn't do it anymore.
- We closed on our house on Monday!!!!!! I seriously could NOT be more excited about this one! Unfortunately, it rained last night, so I don't know if they'll start dozer work today or not.
- Carl and I now have 5 more mouths to feed! Our cat (that Carl brought home) had five baby kittens on Sunday. We're planning on keeping 1 in our new house.
- I have a lot of stuff I want to post, just no brain power/time to post it.

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