Monday, February 9, 2009

Not me! Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Now for my Not me!

I definitely did not lay on the bed for over 4 hours this Saturday, watching horrible movies instead of doing very, very pressing homework. Nope, Not me!

I also didn't play our new Xbox 360 SO MUCH while my husband was away that I went from Level Zero on Kung Fu Panda to finishing the game. Nope, ha! Not me!

Also, in an attempt to lose some of this miscarriage weight, and just be healthier in general, husband and I had decided to try to eat mostly veggies this week. I definitely did not buy 2 bags of Frito Flavor Twists to compliment our veggies. Nope, not me!

I also didn't return from the chiropractor with instructions not to have any coffee because of my heart being out of rhythmn and being too fast, and sit down automatically with a cuppa. Nope, not me!

I also haven't put off vacuuming our apartment for at least 3 weeks now, so that when I babysit I have to sit the baby in a laundry basket so I don't have to worry about what he finds in my floor....nope, not me!

Ah....wasn't that fun? Head over to MckMama's blog, look at the rest of the posts, and write your own!!


  1. Your so funny!!! I love reading Not Me's but I seem to not post any just cause im lazy!

    Ok off to read your previous post about the movies that you reviewed.. I still havent went to rent that one that you mentioned.

  2. X-box is addictive and so much fun! My husband and I use it as bonding time. We make complete fools of ourselves and love every minute of it!
    Happy Not Me Monday!


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