Thursday, January 22, 2009

Prayer and Pain

I have two things to write about today. The first is very, very important. The second is not.

Please, please, please pray urgently for a little girl named Melila. We got a report from a friend of her family today that she as leukemia. She is the daughter of my husband and my former youth minister. In fact, her parents took Carl and I on our first "date" our freshman year of high school. She (Melila) came to our wedding, which was the first time I met her. When they were sitting in the church, before all the festivities began, she turned to her mom and asked "Where are all the princesses mommy?" Later, she got a rose from someone and carried it around for the rest of the day. I kid you not, she is undoubtably the cutest little girl in the world.

Her parents have been preparing for several years now to make a permanent move to Bulgaria to minister to the gypsies.

Please pray that the source we heard from was incorrect. Or, if they were correct, that it is a very minor form of leukemia.

Second, and completely trivial in comparison....

I tried to break and mutilate my toe while babysitting today. I stubbed my toe on the couch, and through the searing pain, I kept going.. until i realized my sock was red at the pinkie toe. After closer examination, I noticed that despite the fact that it had gone numb... it was definitely not uninjured.

I managed to possibly break it, AND rip about a dime sized amount of skin off the tip of it. G-R-OSS.

If I knew how to post my chart, I would. It's entertaining. I promise.

Thats all. One more paper.

1 comment:

  1. I have placed this prayer request on our new Prayer Blog hope that is okay with you.


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