Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm no Nester...

Since we moved into our house, one thing that has REALLY bugged me is the like of decorative things I've done. Before K's birthday, I did manage to get some framed photos and other decorations up on the walls... but it still wasn't exactly what I wanted to do.

The thing is, I have all these ideas in my head, but no idea how to execute them! Keevia's room is probably the room I'm happiest with (and the paint/wall decorations are still lacking!)

This is a picture from Mom's phone, so I apologize for the quality. However, you can kind of see! There's now a big KEEVIA over her bed (in browns and pinks). You can't see the bedskirt, but its a DwellStudio light pink with brown branches and birds on it. I LOVE it. I had a brown and white bumper on her crib until recently. It was SO cute, and had polka dots on one side, as well as stripes on the other. Adorable! See the curtain on the window? I bought those um... almost 3 years ago? For our first apartment. They WERE the color of the walls, but the brown print on them went well with her crib skirt... so I dyed them pink. I seriously could NOT be happier with how thy turned out. And the rug in front of her bed is my nod to my love of Zebra print. I bought it at a flea market for $10. Now that it's in the room, I'm pretty sure it's flawed, which is why I got it for that price... but seriously, I still love it.

This is probably the part I dislike the most about her room. I LOVE the lamp, and I LOVE the pink thing on the wall. But the thing that bugs me (and we just don't have the funds to fix it) is the black furniture mixed with her gorgeous cherry crib and dresser (not pictured). Beside the crib is a big black metal shelf as well... which I'm not a fan of. But, she needs shelving, and other than the thingie with the fabric boxes, we already HAD all the storage furniture in various other rooms... so they moved in here.

P.S. Let me just say how much I love that cube storage thing. One is shoes, one is diapers, one is clothes that she's outgrown that I just toss in until it gets full, then I store them in the tubs... One is stuff that I put on her and dislike and put in the giveaway pile...And the three on the right are all PJs... seperated into fleece pjs, long sleeved cotton, and short sleeve pjs. Yes, I'm THAT person that organizes to the nth degree. You should see her drawers.

Here is Keevs glider... which has gotten like zero use. In theory I love it though! On the back of the glider is a blanket that a family member started knitting when I was pregnant with Peanut. When I miscarried, she just bound it off and gave it to me. I love it. It's very small, and it is quite like a blanket interrupted... which is what Peanuts life was, a life interrupted. It's so soft and cuddly too, so it's just perfect.

Above the chair is a plaque with Keevia's name and birthday on it. My BFF sent this to Keevia after she was born. I LOVE it.

So this is Keevs room. There are a few other decorations on the wall, but mainly the walls are bare. And it's still the room I'm happiest with!!!

I never thought that I would like the "modern" look, but I have to admit, in her room I do. It's still not uber modern, but it's definitely more modern than the rest of my house. I've been perusing the interwebs for some ideas, and I came across this modern furniturestore. They're a subsidary of CSN stores, which is really cool. I've had several blogger friends do giveaways for CSN and they've always loved them! They have a ton of Dwell Studio stuff, which, I have to admit, I lurrrrve.

Alright, I'm off to work. And possibly to drool as much as possible over these cute dwell studio toys!!

1 comment:

  1. I think it's beautiful!!! I found your blog through a blog frog discussion and plan on being your newest follower.


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