Monday, March 7, 2011

Achilles Heel

I've discovered what my Achilles heel is, especially when it comes to weightloss.

I suck at exercising.

Now, I could sit here and tell you I don't have time. Or that I don't have the resources, living in the small town that I do.

But I'd be lying.

I have the full Zumba DVD set. I've done one part of it once.

I have numerous other DVDs. I have the 30 Day Shred. I have Netflix access and could use their streaming videos. I have a CardioGlide exercise machine, and a cool bike thing at my Moms.

I don't do any of it.

I do have pain, and that partially keeps me from exercising. Working out with a bum hip can be excruciating.

But it's no excuse. In fact, it should be motivation.

I'm making no other goals, or any other comments, other than to say that this week, I pledge to work out three times. Three times between now and when I post next Monday is not impossible. I can do this.

P.S. I know I said I wouldn't comment anything else, but, um, guys? My pants didn't fit QUITE as tightly this week. And my pudge over my pants wasn't QUITE as big! Score! I haven't stepped on the scales, but they still feel looser!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on your goal! Thanks for liking Mommy Time Out


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